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Below we have listed a few frequently asked questions which we think should provide sufficient information.

Why should I consider becoming a football referee?

If you have ever played or loved the beautiful game, then becoming a referee will only help you develop your love further. Besides, refereeing will be your paid active sporting pastime, where you make new friends, discuss the beautiful game informally over a drink and above all, keep fit and active.


When should I consider becoming a football referee?

You should undertake the FA Referee Course, as soon as you can dedicate time to learning about the laws of the game. As a referee, it is recommended that you gain practical experience as soon as you are qualified, ideally operating in at least 1 match a month. The more time you dedicate to learning, especially in your initial development period, the quicker and more enjoyable it will be for you and the players.


How old do I have to be to become a football referee?

You can start to get involved from the age of just 14. Ask your local County FA for specific pathways and programmes they deliver.


How do I become a football referee?

To become a qualified referee, you need to undertake the FA Referee Course. In the first instance, you could approach the Amateur Football Alliance. Other County FAs deliver The FA Referee Course as well. If you would like to speak to someone in your area, then please use this link which will direct you through to the relevant County FA where a member of staff will be happy to help.


Do I get paid to referee a football match?

Yes, referees get paid for every game they officiate in.


What is the current match fee for a football referee?

The County FAs and competitions sets match fees and this varies but is generally between £20 – £60, If you are operating in higher levels of the game then these values are set by the FA and FA regulated competitions and the remuneration is generally higher


How much does the Basic Referees Training Course cost?

Training course costs vary but is generally between £100 – £200 depending on the number attending and the location. You should undertake the FA Referee Course if you wish to improve your knowledge of the game.



Where can I get the latest copy of the laws of the game?

The most up to date Laws of the Game booklet is available the IFAB website; which is also available via the FA website and your local County FA.


I live in London, so which County Football Association should I approach?

You could consider registering with one of the following FA affiliates:


Amateur Football Alliance (which covers London and most of the home counties)


Other home-county FAs include:

1. Essex FA

2. Hertfordshire FA

3. Kent FA

4. London FA

5. Middlesex FA

6. Surrey FA

7. Sussex FA


What support is available after I have completed the FA Referee Course?

Your local county FA will provide information about the level of assistance they provide. Amateur Football Alliance, which covers London and most of the home counties, will as a matter of course, assign a senior referee as your mentor; who will act as a first port of call for any queries, advice, issues or problems. For all referees based in and around London, you should join AFA & LONSAR. For membership benefits click here.

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